Saturday, May 23, 2009

Now I Start Directly To A Statement. On

Now I start Directly to a statement. On February, 15-17th, 1988 in Moscow took place All-Union conference which referred to " Problems of complex studying The person ", with the practical purpose of creation prospective subsequently Institute of the person. in the image I have studied that detailed On some pages which have been printed before conference. On Conferences worked a little : both philosophical, and biological, and Economic, and even sports, and still a lot of others . The best our experts working nowadays on studying such Surprising phenomenon as the person, have taken part complex Brain storm. I and also have found out newspaper reports on this conference, That anywhere - neither in reports, nor in accounting messages - the word has not sounded "Noosphere"... About this concept of speech at complex conference, by To press, did not go. That is people of a good level of erudition and have gathered in that Time terribly conservative. They are the people who are entirely being a paradigm Old science. It is possible to tell about it regretfully, on their high Titles, on epaulettes. I am assured, that when they will really start creation Institute of the person at it will be, as though it to tell more shortly, that Long to not be expressed, though very weak base, but there will be no roof. it is good, if it was a level only one more or Less casually the collected conference. But I have addressed to philosophical dictionaries. There all most advanced should concentrate, be condensed, Progressive, that is turned out by a human idea.


  1. At It there are 2 distinctive conditions as which allow to recognise these Syndromes at Genital Herpes adults. The Roman criteria III allocate: a syndrome of the cyclic Vomitings (CVS) and chronic a nausea (CIN). These syndromes Are allocated in separate from group on the basis of the analysis of factors and Clinical criteria. Changes of a skin and nails at diseases The general pigmentation of a skin, especially on the person, brushes Hands, in natural folds of a skin (+ polyposes, , belly-aches and Other) can be a sign of a syndrome of Kronkajta (1955.

  2. Yeast Infection : Garlic helps reduce "bad" cholesterol in the blood by 10%. This feature vegetable is also explained by the presence of allicin in it.
